St Nicholas
Christmas Eve Mass
Christmas Eve – Set 3 (Year C)
Isaiah 52:7-10
Psalm 98
John 1:1-14
God of love and life,
we have glimpsed something of your glory.
Your glory in creation.
Your glory in Jesus.
Your glory in re-creation.
Your glory in us.
We thank you for your unconditional love for us.
For the abundant life that you offer.
This is a two part prayer; the second half to follow shortly. It is taped on the wall in my airport office at about eye level and has been there for over a year. Today was the first day that I properly read it. Why today of all days?
Desperation for something to say this evening? My disbelief that it is really Christmas Eve? Lack of planning and time? It was the glory that got me.
It came upon a midnight clear, that glorious song of old from angels bending near the earth… Glorious imagery weaves through our hymns tonight.
We will see his glory. What does glory look like?
How do we know if something is glorious?
John 1:14 tells us that we have seen God’s glory. Really?! Really. It might be just a glimpse of glory but we have seen it. We might have to look for it; orientate ourselves to expect it. It might be in plain sight like a prayer on an office wall.
The essence and glory of Christmas is the greatness of God coming down to meet us and sweep us into the bigger picture of his love and His kingdom. It always has been and always will be.
The Old Testament prophet Isaiah is alluding to the beautiful feet of the messenger who announces peace, brings good news and announces salvation to the Israelites in captivity and slavery in Babylon. They had been taken away from their homes, families had been separated and some would never be reunited. Most of the Israelites were desperate to go back home, back to what they knew and how it was.
The Israelites needed to be reminded that better times were ahead. God had not forgotten them; He was making a way for them to be rescued. Theirs was not only physical captivity, but spiritual, emotional and social. They desperately needed the messenger Jesus and his glorious message.
St John begins his Gospel in darkness and mystery, casting us back to the opening of Genesis when in the beginning there was nothing, but God created order out of chaos. Like a human author who creates a new world with words on a page, God speaks a word and things come to be. A burst of light and a new life coming through Jesus.
John proclaims that the light in the midst of darkness is Jesus and this needs to be worked out. These big readings hold grand visions and promises that break into the lives of people who are struggling, who are in need of good news; for those who need to see glory.
‘The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee (Jesus) tonight.
Who’s got some hopes and fears here tonight?
Where meek souls will receive him, still the dear Christ enters in.
Anyone meek of soul?
God’s glory will be full of grace and truth. That is how we will know it is from God. Jesus is love, grace and truth. God’s glory in creation and Jesus. And God’s glory in re-creation.
Tonight we go back to the beginning, to when the Word became flesh and all things came into being through him and lived among us. We see his glory, the Son full of grace and truth.
We were all created in His image. We all need to be continually re-created in that image. Sometimes our shine wears off and we weary. Anyone else weary on the road tonight? Take a rest and listen for the angels. Watch for their glory to help recreate yours. God’s glory is in each one of us.
You satisfy our deepest longings for living water.
You equip us for service;
to love as you love,
beyond our comfort zones.
In those places, you are with us.
We thank you for your faithfulness
and an invitation to be with you.
We praise and worship you,
the one who delight in us.