Bible Sunday
2 Timothy 3:14-4:5
John 5:36b-47
I am going to start today with a Bible quiz:
How many copies of the Bible are sold or distributed every year?
(average 100 million plus millions of downloads. It is through there are 5-7 billion copies in print)
How many languages have at least some scripture translated?
(Approximately 3,756)
How many human authors does the Bible have?
(Give or take 40)
How many years was the Bible written over?
(1,500 – give or take)
How many books are in the Bible?
(66 – 39 in the OT; 27 in the NT)
What is the longest book in the Bible?
What is the shortest book?
(3 John)
Which human author wrote the most books?
(Paul – 13)
Which book of the Bible did Jesus write?
There we go! I hope that you learned a few new fun facts about the Bible.
Another question for you: How many Bibles do you own?
I did a quick check on my bookshelves and I have: Anyone want to guess? 17. Plus an app on my phone and a website I regularly use. Which is not too surprising given my job! I do not have 17 copies of my favourite non-Bible book. So why do I have so many copies?! I am aware that I take for granted the 17 copies I have. This comes into sharp focus when the Bible Society shows a person getting their first printed copy of the Bible. I find that I can be embarrassingly blasé about the 17 that I own. Equally it would be hard to get rid of any of the copies currently occupying shelf space.
I have asked you to bring your own Bibles to church this morning for a few reasons. I want to think about the Bible in your hands for a moment (or one that is at home!):
Where did you get it?
Who gave it to you?
How much of it have you read?
If all the Bibles disappeared from the face of the earth tomorrow – how much of it do you know?
At the coronation of Queen Elizabeth in 1953, she was presented with a Bible from the Archbishop of Canterbury with these words: Our gracious Queen: to keep your Majesty ever mindful of the law and the Gospel of God as the Rule for the whole life and government of Christian Princes, we present you with this Book, the most valuable thing that this world affords.
How far do you agree with the Archbishop? Is your Bible the most valuable thing you own? I believe this to be true even though I do not understand all of it. I have neglected it, avoided it and got frustrated by it. Yet I believe it because I deeply love it, want to know and understand more of it.
If you are in any way daunted by the Bible here is a secret: do not worry about what you do not know or understand about the Bible. Worry about what you do know and understand.
Am I living to the standards that are set out here?
Am I becoming more Christ-like?
Is there any actual evidence of what I know about this book to my family, my friends, or the wider world?
Today as we celebrate Bible Sunday, each reading has something to teach us about how we can take the Bible more seriously for ourselves.
The Bible is God’s means of our development and growth as Christians (2 Timothy 3.16)
To be honest, many of us struggle to see the usefulness of much of the Bible. We get comfortable with what we know or what we think we know. We might try to make excuses: the Bible is too hard, it is outdated, old, irrelevant to the world now, it is too violent, too misogynistic, etc. The God who breathed his Spirit into scripture, who understands us better than we know ourselves, loves us enough that Jesus would die for us tells us that ‘All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.’ Therefore He can be trusted. He knows what we need.
Growing and developing in our faith is a whole of life activity. It may ebb and flow in different seasons and situations but should never become stagnant. We need this book to help us get on with it. How can we possibly become more Christ-like (this is not the same thing as being a good person!) if we have not uncovered who Jesus is in the pages of the Bible? We have been called to abundant life, life in the fullest sense. This does not just happen but takes effort. We need the teaching, the reproof, correction and training that the Bible offers us.
The Bible keeps us on God’s path (2 Timothy 4.3-4)
Have you ever had a driving experience in thick fog? Those fogs that descend so quickly that all you can do is crawl along the motorway with the fog lights on and make slow progress. It can feel claustrophobic, like you are lost, and you can’t just stop and wait it out. You have to keep going. The lines marking the lanes suddenly became a lifeline. They showed you each metre of the road one at a time, helping to navigate the bends, avoid collisions, and eventually to getting to your destination.
Many people unfortunately believe the Bible to be a rather long and boring set of rules to take the fun out of life. We need rules, guidelines to keep life between the lines like the markings on a motorway. Imagine trying to watch a footie match that had no rules, or bake a cake without a recipe, or drive a car without road markings!
It would all end in disaster as we would each individually have to make up the way to do these things. Now we might be tempted to think that we know best. But likely the person next to us thinks that way too. This is what Paul is talking about in verse 3: ‘the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine (teaching or belief), but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires.’
Paul is commending the importance of scripture to Timothy because he realises that a time is coming when the church will struggle to stay faithful to God’s word. Paul predicts a time when instead of seeking the truth, Christians will let their own desires be the filter for what they hear, distracted by false teaching.
Things like ‘just be a good person’; ‘it’s all the same God we believe in anyway’; ‘we all basically get there in the end’; ‘The Bible, church, Christianity, etc is fine for you but not for me.’ Those are not God’s words nor Jesus’ teaching. Watch out for itchy ears; especially your own.
In John’s Gospel, Jesus is taking on some Jewish people who have itchy ears. They know their scriptures and they are trying to find eternal life in them. Jesus is saying ‘no, no, no – I am the way to eternal life.’ The Jews are missing this because they do not believe that God has sent Jesus. They will not go to him to have life even though it is all there in the Jewish scriptures. Right back to Moses and yet they refused to believe it. Itchy ears can make you deaf!
How to grow & develop as Christians and stay on God’s path
First thing – pray! Pray to want to grow and develop in your faith. Pray for a closer relationship with God. Pray for purpose and guidance. No one is going to force you. Not even God. Maybe you have to pray to want to want to grow and develop, deepen your relationship and stay on the path. The Wednesday Group is going to be looking at prayer this week.
Secondly, do not take it for granted. Today access to the Bible is only a click away on a smartphone. I suspect many of our homes have multiple copies of the Bible and in multiple translations. As it is so easily available, it is possible that we undervalue it. Paul reminds Timothy of his rich and privileged heritage, because he wants to leave a legacy in the life of Timothy and the life of the church that will carry on into the future. What if all the Bibles disappeared overnight? How much would we still know?
Thirdly, Do it! Does the Bible feel like a dry and dusty book to you or does it captivate you like a long-awaited love letter? Maybe take some time this week to revisit parts that in the past have been especially meaningful to you.
For many people there are Psalms that have a special significance or the gospel accounts of Jesus. If regular Bible reading has become difficult why not revisit the parts of the Bible that you are familiar with. Pray that God would give you a fresh passion for his word.
In this book we have the most valuable thing that this world affords. It is God’s way of communicating to the world that he created and loves. We as his followers need to know what is in her so we can share that message with the people that so badly need it.