Trinity 9: Bread of Heaven

This is the Artist’s Note (John August Swanson)…For many years, I sketched and tried to work out in my imagination, how I could paint Loaves and Fishes, with its multitude of people. In addition to telling the familiar story, I wanted this image to honor native peoples in many parts of the world; those who work the land for their livelihood and have lived for generations in small communities or villages. 

Trinity 9

Psalm 14
Ephesians 3:14-21
John 6:1-21

Over the next few weeks we will be spending some extended time in John 6. Every 3 years, the lectionary provides an opportunity for a deep dive into one of the most important chapters in John’s Gospel. There are some major themes to unpack as Jesus said and did significant things. If you are looking for some summer, may I recommend John 6 to you.

To set up the stall: Verse 1: after this Jesus went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. ‘After this’ refers to Jesus’ being in Jerusalem for a festival where he healed a man on the sabbath at the pool. This gets the attention of and angers the Jews as Jesus begins to refer to God as ‘My Father’. Jesus and the disciples leave Jerusalem for the Sea of Galilee with a large crowd following them.

The reference to the Passover is also significant to John 6. Passover was part of the exodus when God liberated the people of Israel from Egypt and led them through the wilderness to the promised land. In preparation to leave, the Israelites had to prepare a special meal and then put lamb’s blood around the doorposts of their homes. That night God would pass over the houses with the blood and the Israelites children would be spared death.

God then instructed the Israelites to keep that day as a memorial for all that had been done for them. They were never to forget what God has done for them. Part of Passover and the Exodus was the provision of manna from heaven. Every morning God would rain down bread from heaven enough for the day ahead. This event is detailed in Exodus chapters 1-16 if you need more reading!

For thousands of years and to this day, Passover is celebrated by Jewish people the world over. In John 6, Jesus is coming as the new passover; He is interrupting an old festival with the new.

The exodus Jews were being taken into the wilderness. Jesus has led the crowd into the wilderness away from towns and villages where food could likely be found. Many of us like to know where our next meal is coming from, I wonder if the crowd did? The disciples were about to be put to the test as Jesus asked Philip ‘where are we to buy bread for these people to eat?’

The disciples were thinking in economic terms: how much money and where would it come from. Not bad questions to ask. Andrew had found a young boy with some lunch. Five barley loaves and two fish. Hardly enough for the massive crowd and Andrew is aware of this.

I wonder if that was embarrassing for Andrew to do? He is in front of Jesus and his fellow disciples and offers up something so small compared to the great need in front of him. However small, Andrew brought what he had found, the boy and his lunch, to Jesus. Jesus takes this small offering, has the people sit down, gives thanks for it and distributes it.

The people were given as much as they wanted with leftovers. The 12 leftover baskets were clearly a sign to the 12 disciples about the power and authority of Jesus.

The crowd that was following Jesus that day had different ideas about who Jesus was. At the beginning of the day they saw the signs of what Jesus was doing for the sick and they were following him back and forth across Galilee. By the end of the day and after a big lunch the ripple through the crowd is that ‘this is indeed the prophet who is to come into the world.’

Jesus withdrew to the mountain by himself as he realised the crowd was about to come and take him by force to make him king. Remember the Jewish people wanted a human king who would wipe out the Romans and restore their honour.

A strictly human king could not multiply five barley loaves and two fish to feed 5000 men plus women and children. The stories of Jesus feeding huge crowds of people had a profound effect on the early church; there are six accounts in the four gospels of Jesus taking food, giving thanks and multiplying it to feed thousands of people.

Jesus is using bread to feed people which is a very practical thing to do. Hungry people need feeding. Jesus is reminding this mainly Jewish crowd about God’s long history of feeding them the bread of heaven. Thirdly Jesus is using the bread to say something about His authority; this will be new information for the crowd.

Jesus is turning over the natural order of things with the authority given to him. This authority is displayed again only to the disciples as Jesus walks on water. What do you think would surprise you more? The multiplication of the loaves or the walking on water? Faith takes some imagination!

The passover link here refers to God parting the Red Sea so the Israelites could pass through the waters. In this new passover, Jesus is walking on the water and controlling the storm. Although some of the disciples were experienced fishermen, the Jews are not a seafaring race. The sea has always been associated with chaos, evil and untamable forces within nature and the spiritual world.
Jesus tells his disciples not to be afraid as he was with them in the boat. Jesus is still in the boat with us. John does not write if the storm stopped or not. It might not have mattered that much once Jesus was in the boat.

What about us today?

We live in a time where bread is relatively cheap and easy to get. It is generally good for us – lots of vitamins and minerals, dietary fibre, it provides energy, it is affordable for most people to buy and there is a huge selection.

As bread is so easy to come by it may lose its significance for us when we read the stories of Jesus feeding the thousands with bread. Jesus was feeding people who were impoverished, literally starving. He not only physically fed them He spiritually fed them by his teaching and healing.

Most of us here can satisfy our physical hunger quite easily by an abundance of bread in the shops and money in hand. Yet many of us are spiritually hungry. This is a hunger much harder to satisfy as we cannot do it ourselves. There is no shop selling ‘spiritual food’ for us to buy that will fill us up.

Our hunger will only be satisfied by Jesus. I hope we all know this but when we bring to him what little we have; he will bless it and multiply it. It will be more than enough!

If we need some encouragement Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians is a good place to start!

V16-19: 16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Let us remember today that we are loved by the God of abundance. He blesses what we bring to him and multiplies it however small or insignificant we might think the offering is. It is in God’s power to do exactly this.

He has fed us in the past like the Jewish people with manna from heaven, He feeds us now and will continue to feed us forever. His love and abundance are wide and long, high and deep and will always be more than enough for us.

Trinity 8: Back to Langley

WNG268489 Great crowds followed Jesus as he preached the Good News, 2004 (w/c on paper) by Wang, Elizabeth (Contemporary Artist); watercolour on paper; 36×26 cm; Private Collection; © Radiant Light; English, in copyright

St Mary’s Langley

Trinity 8

Jeremiah 23:1-6
Psalm 23
Ephesians 2:11-22
Mark 6:30-24; 53-56

It is a pleasure to be with you this morning. I was the curate in Langley from 2016 to the end of 2020. Where did that time go?! I went from here to the Hambleden Valley for almost three years and have now settled into Surrey. Last October I took up the posts as the Lead Chaplain of Gatwick Airport and House-for-Duty Priest-in-Charge of two small parishes close to the airport.

I love being the Lead Chaplain of Gatwick. No day is ever the same, sometimes the pace is crazy and the hours long. I meet people coming and going from all over the world but I spend most of my working time with staff members from across the airport.

These are often people in need of rest; many work shift patterns that are unsociable, or work in teams that can be pressurised and challenging especially over the last few days. Airports are hot and noisy places with huge attention for health and safety. Then there are all the joys and sorrows of life outside of work. This is also the work situation for many people beyond airports; we all have to contend with physical, mental, social and spiritual exhaustion.

In all the chaos and hecticness of life we have forgotten to rest. Can you remember the last time you had a proper rest? Not just a break or a day off but the ‘leads me beside still waters and restores my soul’ kind of rest? Psalm 23 is incidentally the set psalm for today.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

He makes me lie down in green pastures;
he leads me beside still waters;

he restores my soul.
He leads me in right paths
for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I fear no evil;
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff—
they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
my whole life long.

For thousands of years, the need for rest has been acknowledged because it has been ignored. We ignore it today too. There is a lot of work to rest; it takes planning and organising. Sometimes we might even think it is not worth the fuss and then do no bother.

In the opening chapters of Mark’s Gospel we are presented with a very busy Jesus. Mark sets a tone and pace for his readers that is frenetic and fast. Jesus bursts onto the scene, going from one place, one person to the next, hardly stopping to catch his breath. Mark’s account keeps Jesus and the disciples in Galilee as Jesus preaches, teaches and heals the masses whilst spending time teaching the disciples.

The side of Jesus that we are presented with today is one who recognizes, honours and tends to his own tiredness. Jesus also responds to the tiredness and exhaustion of his disciples with care and compassion. Why is everyone so exhausted?

Chapter 6 begins with Jesus in Nazareth where he grew up. On this visit Jesus was dishonoured and ended up amazed at their unbelief. Who were the unbelieving? His family, friends and those who had known him since childhood.
Hang on to that for a moment; the people who have known you the longest completely dismiss you and the work you are doing. How draining and disappointing would that be? Jesus was a human being, he felt things: experienced grief and rejection, felt frustration, was disappointed and let down. Emotional exhaustion by any other name.

The disciples have been sent out in pairs with no bread, no bag and no money to cast out demons, anoint the sick and cure them and proclaim that all should repent. They were to start doing what Jesus has been showing and teaching them to do. You can maybe imagine the enthusiasm they set out with! They started off full of energy and enthusiasm and have likely returned shattered although wanting to tell Jesus all that they had seen and done.

Jesus recognises their tiredness and calls them to come away with him to a deserted place to rest a while. Not sure how long ‘a while’ is but Jesus wants to provide the rest and recuperation for the disciples and himself.

What do we learn about Jesus in this passage? He was gloriously human and full of compassion. In some of the throwaway lines in the Gospels that usually precede the big events we see this humanity: his hunger, his need for sleep and food, his inclination to hide, the need for rest and solitude. Our God rests and it is important for us to know that.

However, the plans for rest and refreshment go temporarily awry. You might have noticed that there is a chunk of Mark 6 being skipped over. A crowd has gathered and grown around Jesus. This is where we see that Jesus is decidedly un-like us; he does not turn away or get upset. Jesus has compassion, He recognise that the needs of the crowd are greater than his own.

Jesus begins to teach them; not only does he teach them, he then feeds them. All 5000 of them! This is a sermon for another day but the feeding of the 5000 by Jesus and the disciples is set in the midst of their exhaustion.

A second attempt is made to get away. Jesus sends the disciples back across the lake in the boat while He went up to the mountain to pray. Jesus then comes back down and walks on the water, across the lake to the boat – again a sermon for another day.

As Jesus and the disciples arrive on the other side of the lake, still searching for the rest that seems to be eluding them. Once again Jesus is recognised, the crowds come, bringing the sick to be healed. Once again Jesus meets them with compassion, they might touch the fringe of his cloak; and all who touched it were healed.

Jesus understands need; mine, yours, everyone’s. I ashamedly find it easy sometimes to pass the buck on compassion when I am hungry or tired or needing some solitude. It is tempting to declare early that it does not all depend on me. I’m not the last stop – am I?

I think one of the big lessons this week is the tension between compassion and self-protection. Jesus lived with it too and that is good to know.

The second lesson is that the crowds recognised Jesus as he was growing in popularity. People were coming to him for healing and miracles, demanding signs.

As Lucas is brought to baptism this morning, our prayer is that he grows up being able to recognise Jesus in his life. Parents, Shaun & Janine and godparent Chris – this is your job! You are going to shortly make some promises on behalf of Lucas to God. You are committing yourselves to teaching him about Jesus and his life and works, to pray for him and help him make decisions for himself as he grows up.

You are also going to set Lucas a good example in his life and this will include being compassionate to others as well as himself.

Jesus lived a busy, frenetic life. His humanity shows in his need for food, sleep and time away as does our humanness. Jesus and the apostles shared common human emotions of grief, mourning and great excitement that we too experience. Jesus’ divinity shows his unlimited compassion for those in need and the ability to tend to them as the Good Shepherd. Let him lead you to still waters and restore your soul.